Gain Perspective, Find Your Centre,
What I offer..
I offer a non-judgemental, accepting space where all aspects of your personality are welcome.
My clients come with a very wide range of needs and motivations, and I tailor my approach to each client where they are at. If you have not accessed therapy or coaching before, it can feel daunting, or like a strange option to be considering. It is normal to feel like this, and these concerns are welcome too!
I offer a chance to gain understanding of how the different aspects of your personality work together, and at the same time, to reconnect with your inner resources.
I work primarily in nature one-one and with groups. I find working in nature to be profoundly supportive and healing for my clients. I also facilitate and, co-facilitate workshops.
Please see the rest of the website for more details.
Zac Solomons
(Dip Psych, MBACP)

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